
By Steve Hunt, CCL-EAR Committee Chair

By James Wiser, Consortium Director

Reported by Dan Crump

On September 10, the Chancellor’s Office sent a memo to contact person at each college with information about the 2017-18 Annual Library Data Survey with an anticipated return date of October 31, 2018. For questions about the survey, e-mail Erin Larson at Ensure the email subject line is formatted as: College Name, Question about 2017-18 Annual Library Data Survey.

Reported by Dan Crump

The ASCCC Spring Plenary Session was held at the San Mateo Marriott from April 12-14. Elections for the Executive Committee for 2018-19 were held with the following results:


The annual CCL 2019 gathering of Library department chairs, coordinators, head librarians, managers, directors and deans is now on the calendar!

By Mario Valente

The MiraCosta library is pleased to showcase two exhibits in commemoration of Latinx/Chicanx Heritage Month and in collaboration with the annual Latino Book & Family Festival taking place on September 15, 2018, at the Oceanside Campus.

Hi, Colleagues!

As the year rolls forward (and faster than ever, it seems!), I’ve been reviewing the CCL membership accounts and double-checking that stars have appeared where they belong. Thanks to so many of you for being early to the mailbox with your checks!

By Norman Buchwald

Letter from CCL President Doug Achterman

Library Services Platform Project Vendor Demonstrations

During the second week of April, the Library Services Platform Procurement and Selection Committee will meet in Sacramento to participate in vendor demonstrations.

I'd like to find an image template to create issue covers on the Outlook landing page. Ideally I'd like something that could be easily modified with a little info from each issue to make them unique. Let me know if you have ideas or are able to help create something.


Brian Greene
Columbia College Librarian
& CCL Communications Manager
(209) 518-2825

The Los Angeles Region’s bi-annual meeting on Jan 10, 2018 was a great success! We had an excellent lunch at the historic Tam O’Shanter, with a good discussion covering CCL happenings. We discussed participation in the upcoming Deans and Directors meeting (including Library Management 101), the statewide LSP project, the new CCL web site and directory, updated CCL mailing lists, and upcoming spring workshops – plus shared initiatives and happenings at our own colleges. The region welcomes José Aguiñaga from Rio Hondo, Gina Hogan from Citrus College, and Romelia Salinas from Mt.

SCIL Works 2018: Where Virtual Meets Reality: The intersection between instruction and our virtual campus communities
February 23, 2018
West Los Angeles College
Registration: $15-$45

More info:

University of California Digital Library Forum
February 27 - March 1, 2018
UC Riverside

More info:  

For me, to be asked to write this letter for the Council of California Community Colleges Chief Librarians is a great honor. Not because what I have to say is so revolutionary, or necessarily thought provoking, but rather this opportunity gave me a reason to stop and reflect upon our mission and the concept of service. These ideals have been at the forefront of my career, as I am certain it has been or is for many of you. We, in this profession are, and should always be, looking at ways to advance these principles.