Consortium Director's Report

James Wiser

The January renewals and new orders for our group were all processed on time, so if for any reason your library cannot access a database you renewed or ordered, please contact the technical support department of the vendor of that database. On the new consortia website, all vendors have their technical support department’s email address or online form linked. Many of you have asked if you can still add back the EBSCO databases that fell off the statewide contract, and we are accepting orders for those databases at any time. We will attempt to prorate those initial subscriptions of EBSCO databases to align with a January-December license term.

I have begun negotiations for our July 2018 renewals, and I hope to have obtained those prices and created your college’s renewal forms no later than March 1. When those forms are ready for your college to download, sign, and return, I will send out an email to the official contact we have on hand for your library. The deadline for returning those forms to the CCLC office will be Friday, May 11th.

We are pleased to announce a new offer this spring from the Wall Street Journal. Until now, if a library wanted to subscribe to the WSJ, their only option was to do so through Proquest and receive that static content on the Proquest platform. This new offer allows libraries to subscribe directly to the WSJ and provide accounts to all students, faculty, and staff of your college. I will also be updating the pricing for many existing vendors if you wish to add a database for the July 2018 license term during this spring.

I hope to see many of you at the Dean’s and Directors meeting in Sacramento in March! Wishing all of you a great spring semester.

Respectfully submitted,


James Wiser
Library Consortium Director
Community College League of California
2017 O Street Sacramento, CA 95811
