
Inspired by Foothill’s emphasis on student equity, librarians jumped on board a grass roots effort among faculty to create a First Year Experience pilot aimed at students who are the first in their family to go to college (generally the population outlined in the college’s Student Equity Plan). Each student in the program is matched with a personal librarian and takes a one-unit library research class in the same quarter that they’re writing a paper in an English class.

The library helped develop and teach an upper division interdisciplinary research methods course for the Bachelor in Science Dental Hygiene program, a pilot program (SB 850) authorized by the State Chancellor's Office. IDS 300 Research Methodology for Health Professionals, a 5-unit course taught completely online, is designed to introduce students to the research process and how it applies to evidence-based patient care. The course focuses on familiarizing students with various types of research designs and methods and properly utilizing scientific databases and resources.

Foothill College welcomes Laura Gamez to the brand-new position of Equity, Outreach, and Instruction Librarian. A recent graduate of UCLA, Laura promotes library resources and services to learning communities, creates book displays and LibGuides for campus heritage months, teaches a research class for First Year Experience students, reviews library policies for potential barriers to students, and does anything else she can think of to help the library create a culture of equity.