The purpose of the Council of Chief Librarians is to represent, promote and advance libraries in public California community college education; to provide a vehicle for communication, discussion and collaboration among libraries; to provide opportunities for professional development, training and leadership development for library leaders and other librarians; and to support data collection, analysis and dissemination for the purpose of good public policy development.
Organization Chart

Organization Description
- Facilitate interaction among Community College library leaders and librarians
- Provide opportunities to network/share/compare
- Conduct regional, annual and area meetings
- Strengthen and improve channels of communication
- Identify grants and other funding opportunities
- Facilitate cooperative purchases of resources, services, etc.
- Maintain the electronic information resources purchasing program
- Explore additional library services and products for cooperative purchasing
- Support the activities of the CCL Electronic Access and Resources Committee (CCL EAR)
- Maintain and expand publications
- Support the website, the Outlook newsletter, the Directory, and the CCL mailing lists
- Annual Data Survey
- Develop topical surveys, assessment tools, position papers and special reports
- Identify, assess and respond to special initiatives
- Examples include services to remote users, services for Distance Learning, Library Services Platform (LSP) project, Open Educational Resources (OER), impact of budget on library services, library management, professional development, and leadership development
- Provide leadership and a forum for discussion and action
- Information Literacy and Digital Literacy
- Program review: patterns, models and plans for libraries
- Accessibility / technologies for disabilities
- Accreditation: libraries and the Student Learning Outcomes paradigm
- State initiatives impacting libraries
- Maintain involvement with CCC Chancellor’s Office and other state and national level organizations and activities
- Library & Learning Resources Programs Advisory Committee (LLRPAC)
- Telecommunications and Technology Advisory Committee (TTAC)
- Chief Instructional Officers (CCCCIO)
- CCC Tech Center
- Consultation Council
- Board of Governors (BOG)
- Community College League of California (CC League)
- Educational Technology Advisory Committee (DEETAC)
- Academic Senate for California Community Colleges
- Student Senate for California Community Colleges
Adopted October 12, 2012 by the CCL Board of Directors. Revised July 17, 2018.
Strategic Goals
Goal A: Strengthen the capacity of California community college libraries to support student success
- Strategy A1: Identify and share best practices for teaching and assessing information literacy outcomes
- Strategy A2: Document and promote the role of libraries and librarians in strengthening student learning outcomes, retention, and goal attainment
- Strategy A3: Identify and promote approaches that embed information literacy across the curriculum and guided pathways
Goal B: Collaborate statewide in technology and information resource acquisition and application
- Strategy B1: Advocate for statewide support for Library systems and services
- Strategy B2: Identify funding opportunities for library services and resources
- Strategy B3: Strengthen coordination among libraries to leverage economies of scale
Goal C: Promote libraries as dynamic physical and virtual learning spaces where students and faculty collaborate, learn, and engage with the campus community
- Strategy C1: Identify and promote library practices that support and improve student learning
- Strategy C2: Support libraries and librarians in providing a high level of customer service and engagement for the college community
- Strategy C3: Articulate the value of CCC libraries in fostering student success, retention, and completion
Goal D: Collaborate with libraries, districts and other entities in the work needed to support social justice, dismantle structural racism, and promote anti-racism in California’s Community Colleges
- Strategy D1: Support the development of strategies, policy and procedure at the local and statewide level to improve access and success for historically marginalized populations
- Strategy D2: Promote the acquisition of collections and resources that support inclusive and anti-racist programs and curriculum, reflective of the community at large
- Strategy D3: Support libraries in providing inclusive and welcoming learning environments that are safe and accessible, ensuring equitable access to library materials and services
- Strategy D4: Encourage the recruitment, hiring and retention of librarians and library staff from diverse backgrounds
Adopted July 29, 2020. Revised January 14, 2021.