
The South Coast Region had a meeting of the UX / Distance Education / Online Librarians on December 6th at Orange Coast College. This was the first time this group had met. Discussion topics included Canvas and the library, conference recommendations, best practices in the library for user experiences and other emerging topics. The goal of the meeting was to create a networking opportunity so the librarians in the South Coast region would have other librarians to bounce ideas off and to be inspired by. We hope to have meetings annually or each semester!

I don’t have to tell you that it has been a busy Fall! You live in the middle of all the change – Guided Pathways, Student Equity, ACRL Information Literacy Framework, a new State Chancellor who is certainly getting everyone’s attention! And what about FLOW? Oh, and just that little thing about teaching and serving students in the library … !

By Norman Buchwald (Chabot College), Committee Chair

Dear librarians:

We want to thank you for your input to the CCL-EAR Committee, including answering our survey for our potential future reviews in 2018.  When we meet in December as we are finalizing our Fall reviews, we will also plan our Spring reviews and plan to go forward via the direction you gave us.

Reported by Dan Crump (chair)

LLPRAC met on September 25 at the Chancellor’s Office in Sacramento.  Much of the meeting was spent in reviewing proposed changes to the Annual Library Data Survey, based on input from both the Council of Chief Librarians and LLRPAC.  The changes will be incorporated into the next survey (2016-17) which should be sent out in the near future.

CCL Regional Meeting Notes

San Francisco / East Bay Region

Friday, Sept. 22, 2017, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

City College of San Francisco, Rosenberg Library




Evelyn Lord (Laney), Tina Inzerilla (Las Positas), Vivian Kobayashi (CCSF), Michelle McKenzie (CCSF), Wendy Owens (CCSF), Chad Stephenson (CCSF), Nghiem Thai (Merritt), Lisa Velarde (CCSF), Anthony Costa (CCSF), Yi Liang (CCSF)

All of the orders have been placed with the vendors.

***Please remember to check your access on January 1, 2014 or when you return to campus after the winter break. ***

If you are unable to access your databases, the technical support number for each vendor is located on the right hand side of their page on the consortium website. Due to the complexity of your authentication methods, access issues should be directed to the vendor.


EBSCO has communicated the following regarding IP’s:

In November the Council of Chief Librarians sponsored workshops developed by ACRL on Planning, Assessing, and Communicating Library Impact: Putting the Standards for Libraries in Higher Education into Action.  The participants were challenged to learn how to use the Standards to communicate their library’s impact through presentation, discussion, and group activities.  ACRL also offers this class online.

By Norman Buchwald (Chabot College) Committee Chair

Welcome to a new semester, everyone. The CCL-EAR Committee has already met on September 14 and 15 in Sacramento to discuss current electronic issues and trends, and to plan and begin work on new reviews.

By Dan Crump (Chair)

LLPRAC held its first meeting in several years on May 31.  We made changes to the Committee Mission and Goals statement which is on the Chancellor’s Office website-- page is under the Academic Affairs division.  Major changes included deletion of “Collection Development” and inclusion of “Student Equity & Success.”

The Committee made changes to the Guide, mostly to reflect organizational changes in the field, and also to clarify the following items:

By James Wiser, Consortium Director

I hope your summer has been relaxing and you’re settling in to gear up for the upcoming fall semester.  It’s been a busy summer for the Library Consortium, and here are a few updates to keep in mind as the fall semester continues:

Members of the Los Angeles region gathered for their bi-annual meeting at the Tam O’Shanter on August 17.  Leaders from the eleven colleges were able to attend.

By Gregg Atkins, CCL Executive Director

Membership:  I’m making a list and checking it twice … oops, no, that’s Santa.