CCL Regional Groups
CCL has an organizational structure loosely based on the challenging geographic spread of the 114 colleges in the system. A list of the regions and the librarian currently representing each region can be found at the Executive Board Membership page at the CCL website. CCL actively encourages the regions to gather at least once a semester for a sharing experience. CCL will pick up the tab for a [modest] lunch for these gatherings. CCL San Francisco / East Bay Region: The CCL San Francisco / East Bay Regional group will hold a fall meeting on Friday, October 30 at Las Positas College. For details contact Evelyn Lord, Laney College. Los Angeles Regional Group met over lunch on August 19th. Paula Paggi, the CCL representative for this group reported: It was a good time to share and discuss current issues. Topics of discussion included: Accreditation standards; Canvas, the new common ILS service; Equity plans; the CCL-EAR deselection process; future workshop topics for CCL; and Food in the library. We shared Annual plan ideas and strategic planning for libraries. Several commented about adding Films on Demand and Question point to the statewide supported databases. During the regular semesters, there is so little time to relax and talk with our peers, the couple of hours during Summer and Winter breaks has proved to be valuable time for sharing information, ideas, and problem solving.