Pasadena City College Update
Since the last Outlook, we have been very busy at Pasadena City College!
June 2017
The team participated in “library style” at commencement, with books balanced on our mortarboards -- celebrating 900 students who crossed the stage to celebrate their completion of their degree or certificate programs.
Also in June, we celebrated 17 students who received their Certificate of Achievement in Library Technology. Since 2000, 303 students have earned this certificate — with many successfully earning their associate degree or finding employment in libraries. Great work!
July 2017
Starting July 1, 2017, Danielle Rapue and Mary Wahl started as our new full time librarians! They replaced the vacant positions of Judy Ohye and Dorothy Potter.
- Mary is serving as our Technical Services librarian, overseeing cataloging, processing, strategic stacks management and archives. Mary has been a librarian at Cal State Northridge since 2013 as a Digital Materials Cataloger and Digital Services Librarian. She has also worked as a conservator at the Getty and as an archives technician at the National Archives.
- Danielle is serving as our Systems and Assessment librarian. She has been an adjunct librarian at the College of the Sequoias and West Hills College. She has experience as a Public Services Library Technician at Reedley College and was a researcher for a private market research firm prior to entering the library arena. Both Danielle and Mary have done a fabulous job diving right in to their new roles!
Also in July, Debbie Smith, Acquisitions Library Technician, retired from the library after 35 years of service! She was celebrated at several events/parties, received college-wide awards, and was recognized at Commencement for her dedication and service to students.
August 2017
We celebrated 11 Certificate of Achievement awardees for our Digitization Skills Certificate program in August. This is a newer program that has quickly gained interest, and has strong enrollment by paraprofessionals and librarians alike.
The week prior to the fall term, all library staff participated in orienting hundreds of students, and new faculty, about library programs and services. This year there were 2,500 Pathways students, 26 new faculty, and over 5,000 new students that we began to work with through our participation at Student Success Day (college welcome event), New Faculty Orientation and Pathways Orientation (where we have an integrated Information Literacy program in the 1st year experience course).
In order to help engage new students with the library, we ran the “Library Matchmaker” button and book matching game again, for a chance to win two $50 college bookstore gift cards. See our Facebook page to see the student winners!

We had a great kick-off to the year with our annual library retreat. This year we spent the day brainstorming and goal-setting at the University Club of Pasadena, right next to Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena. We also had an interesting tour of the Fuller Library, where we are all pictured on their lovely library terrace.
September and Ongoing Activities:
Mane Hakopyan retired after 18 years of service to the library as a technician. She has been a quiet force on our team – in particular, she supported the college Archives working with librarian Linda Stewart to make our vast amount of college history available in digital format and/or findable by the public. Like all of our retirees, she received a silver Shatford Star in recognition for her years of service.
A college counselor continues to serve in the building Monday-Friday during open hours. They are available to all students on a walk-in basis.
This past year, our Acquisitions Librarian, Walter Butler lead the acquisition of $80,000 in major statewide grants to implement OER (Open Educational Resources) at our college. More information about OER at PCC can be found at:
Librarians continue to actively participate across campus in critical initiatives including Equity, Guided Pathways, Workforce Development, campus-wide professional development, distance education, and in student programs including the college’s Food Pantry ( and Safe Zones for our DACA, Undocumented and LGBTQ students.
We are looking forward to another productive, innovative and fun year supporting our students!
Leslie Tirapelle
Dean of Library