Statewide Collaboration
Library Services Platform Project
The Library Services Platform (LSP) project is well underway. A task force from the CCL board is currently working with the CCC Tech Center, and within days of the publication of this newsletter, a Request for Information from interested vendors will be posted. I will send a link through the CCL mailing lists and post a notice on the CCL web page that will lead you to the CCC Tech Center page on which that RFI will be available to view.
The model for the RFP process is based on the one used for the selection of the Canvas learning management system, in which representative pilot colleges are selected to help create the RFP and participate in the final decision.
In January, colleges will be contacted to provide detailed information about their current systems and usage for an environmental scan. This data will help the project team establish a baseline for current system-wide practices, platforms used, and features desired in an LSP Platform. It is an opportunity for individual colleges to provide meaningful feedback which will directly influence how the RFP is drafted and scored.
Thanks to the representatives from 105 of the 114 colleges who have completed the LSP contact form. The identified contact will share LSP information with library staff and collect and return information requested by the task force.
Currently, the task force is developing the criteria that will be part of the pilot college application, which will be released January 22nd. Colleges will be given just ten days to submit applications, and pilot colleges will be notified one week after the submission period closes.
After the pilot colleges are selected, the project will shift into high gear as we seek additional information from the pilot colleges and the entire field to create the RFP. Several opportunities for significant input will be provided. After the RFP is released, vendors will submit proposals, and some or all of these will be asked to provide demonstrations of their products. The goal is to have a recommendation for a state-wide LSP by the end of the spring semester.
A detailed timeline is being finalized by the LSP task force. Look for expanded information about specific dates and steps on the CCL mailing lists in the first week of December.
ASCCC Collaboration
At its last meeting, the CCL board had the privilege of a two-hour discussion with Julie Bruno, president of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges. We explored a host of issues and identified specific actions we could work on together to promote our libraries, librarians, and the goals of our programs. The CCC’s truly benefit from Julie’s leadership, and she helped us frame our needs strategically in a way that could be leveraged through the Senate. Be sure to see Dan Crump’s article in the newsletter on the work being done in the Senate; much of this was spurred by the visit by Julie. Dan has been instrumental in following through on several action items, and his ongoing contributions to the state Senate are of tremendous value to CC librarians.
Fall Information Literacy Framework Workshops
I was fortunate to attend the ACRL Information Literacy Framework workshop at Diablo Valley College a few weeks ago. I appreciated the instructional design frames we used in thinking about the ways we can deepen teaching and learning about information literacy and engaging faculty in the threshold concepts articulated in the framework. I also appreciated the many opportunities we had all day long to engage in dialogue with our colleagues about insights and challenges in addressing the framework. I’m proud to be part of an organization that sponsors such valuable professional learning opportunities for our library community.
Guided Pathways
How is the library program on your campus supporting Guided Pathways efforts? The spring workshops, led by SBCC librarian Elizabeth Bowman and Cabrillo librarians Aloha Sargent and Michelle Morton, are designed to explore, discuss and plan ways to integrate the library into the version of Guided Pathways being built on your campus. This represents a great opportunity to learn from and share with other members of our library community. Stay tuned for more information once the logistics are confirmed.
Deans and Directors Meeting
Just a reminder that the Deans & Directors meeting will be held at the Sacramento Embassy Suites Hotel, right on the river in downtown Sacramento, on March 8-9. I’m eager to hear our keynote speaker, Megan Oakleaf, a true library leader in her thinking about the value of libraries and information literacy instruction.
Hope you find some rest and relaxation during the coming holiday season!