New OER Textbook by CCC Librarians: Introduction to College Research
By Aloha Sargent, Cabrillo College
artwork by Cheryl R. Niesen.
We are pleased to announce a new OER textbook (and supplementary Canvas modules) for information literacy: Introduction to College Research
This textbook acknowledges our changing information landscape, covering key concepts in information literacy, including: algorithms and the attention economy, disinformation, information cynicism and information hygiene, fact-checking, source types, research topics, keyword choices and confirmation bias, search strategies, library databases, OneSearch, the ethical use of information, and citation.
Designed for flexibility, the chapters and supplementary modules can be used in any order or remixed to meet the needs of any information competency course. Individual chapters or pages might also be adapted for one-shots or other library instruction.
These resources were created by a team of California community college librarians, funded by a grant from the ASCCC OERI:
librarians who collaborated on this project
- Xiaoyang Behlendorf (Los Angeles Valley College)
- Walter D. Butler (Pasadena City College)
- Cynthia M. Cohen (Los Angeles Valley College)
- Cynthia Mari Orozco (East Los Angeles College)
- Aloha Sargent (Cabrillo College)
- Kelsey Smith (West Hills College Lemoore)
As part of the grant process, the textbook went through peer review and accessibility review. It is available in multiple formats (see the Note for Instructors page in the textbook for further information). The supplementary Canvas modules are available for import/download in the Canvas Commons (if this link doesn’t work, search for the title of the textbook or ASCCC OERI).