City College of San Francisco
- City College of San Francisco Library has a lot going on this academic year. Here are a few highlights from fall semester:
- The Library has committed to spending a year studying the collection with an eye towards providing highly student-centered collections.
- As of fall semester, the Circulation Department has implemented a food for fines program. Information about this program is accessible from the Library's website.
- The College is in the early stages of engaging withe the OER (Open Educational Resources) movement. Librarians will be key to making this a success at the College.
- CCSF joined LINK+ this summer and is excited to contribute to this regional network.
- The College received a development grant to develop a District-wide Maker Sphere. The Media Center (located in a Library building) will become one hub of the maker environment.
- City College Library has revamped its acquisitions processes with the eye to being keenly focused on supporting student and faculty needs.