Let Me Count The Ways

What does your college get from that $150 CCL membership payment?  Here are some but not all of the benefits:

  • Workshops and the annual meeting
  • The Outlook
  • The work of CCL-EAR, the Library Consortium purchasing arrangement, and the free CountryWatch database</li>
  • The two listservs
  • The participation by CCL in the implementation of Ex Libris, and the development of the ongoing governance & organizational structure
  • The seats which CCL has at the Chancellor’s Office – Library Advisory Committee, Telecommunications and Technology Committee – and liaison role with the CIO Executive Board
  • The liaison position with the ASCCC Executive Committee
  • General work and effort to make the world safe for the CCC libraries!

Now, something new!  CCL is paying the 2020 ELUNA membership of $235 (more about ELUNA elsewhere in this issue) for every library which has paid its 2019-20 membership.  ELUNA helps direct the ongoing improvements and upgrades to Alma and Primo.  And the 110 CCC libraries – with about 20% of the total vote – will have a big impact on ELUNA!

Regards --Gregg Atkins, Executive Director, CCL
