Seeking Feedback and Materials for LSP Professional Development
By Romelia Salinas, Mt. San Antonio College & Peter Hepburn, College of the Canyons. LSP Professional Development Co-Leads
The LSP Professional Development (PD) workgroup is charged with the coordination of Alma/Primo training for the CCC, the creation of best practices, and the facilitation of support systems among CCC libraries.
Towards this effort, we seek to liaise with other work groups regarding professional development needs and outreach to the CCC community. Members from our workgroup have been assigned to serve as liaisons to the other workgroups as a way of learning what PD needs are identified. As result of this work, the PD workgroup has coordinated a series of webinars by the following workgroups: Discovery/UX, Circulation, Cataloging, and Acquisitions. Recordings of these webinars can be found on the LSP wiki site for those who missed the live sessions. We are interested in coordinating additional webinars for the other workgroups in the near future.
Recently the PD workgroup sent out a survey to the college LSP Leads to identify priorities for additional training and development for the system. The survey results identified the following areas as priorities:
- Cataloging/Acquisitions (network zone; normalizing rules, activating e-resources)
- Streamlining/automation of workflows - tips and best practices
- Primo Instruction
- Fulfillment (TOU, letters, circulation in person training)
- Primo Configuration
Other noted topics included must do checklist for configuration, electronic resources in a multi-college environment, reserves configuration, and consortia resource sharing.
The workgroup is interested in gathering additional input as to other areas of need for professional development. In an effort ensure everyone can contribute to this process we have established an online form ( where anyone can submit topics to inform the plans of the workgroup. We expect that needs will change as we move through the various stages of post implementation so we will be monitoring this form to keep current with evolving needs.
In addition to this work we will seek to foster support and collaboration across the system by building a repository of documents (workflows, training manuals, policies/procedures) that have been developed by colleges/districts. We want to learn what materials have been developed for teaching staff, faculty, and students how to use Alma and Primo VE. It is our plan to bring together all these documents together into one wiki page to be available to all the colleges. Please upload your documents using this form ( or submit a url if already posted online.