Napa Valley College

Napa Valley College and community partners will host the travellingt Smithsonian Institution exhibit:  "Bittersweet Harvest: The Bracero Program 1942-1964."   The exhibition will be on display at the Napa Valley Museum this September 2 - November 12, 2017. An accompanying exhibit, will feature the legacy of the Bracero Program in Napa and draw attention to the untold story of its importance in the development of Napa's wine industry and the Latino community. Over the past two years, Napa Valley College Library, in partnership with Student Services, has supported the effort to bring Latino History to the college by first working with students to learn information literacy (research as inquiry) in a work/study class and to present a Latino History Community Program; collaborated with History Professor on revising archived Local History Course; wrote a Napa History-Bracero Libguide to support student research and arranged for students to use the Library's media studio to record oral histories of Bracero's family members.