Fullerton College
KinderCaminata participants were invited into the library for a Target-sponsored Sneetches story time on Friday, May 2, 2014. Once inside, the kindergartners were treated to storytelling by Acquisitions Librarian Monique Delatte Starkey, Systems Librarian Erica Bennett, and Library Assistant Betsy Murray. Visitors discovered that the children’s books may be checked out, and that the read-aloud children’s collection at FC Library is sponsored through a generous grant from Target. Sneetches bookmarks, also Target-sponsored, were distributed by LIB 100 students to help the young visitors remember their library visit.
Acquisitions Librarian Monique Delatte Starkey and Library Assistant Betsy Murray provide a Target-sponsored Sneetches story time for KinderCaminata visitors in the Fullerton College Library