Reported by Dan Crump

Open Education Resources (OER)

The Open Education Resources Council (created by SB 1052 and 1053, passed in the last legislative session) have selected the five courses for which affordable, open source textbooks and related materials will be identified or developed.

The first five courses are:

  • Introduction to Statistics (C-ID number of MATH110)
  • Introduction to Chemistry (CHEM 110)
  • Principles of Microeconomics  (ECON 201)
  • Public Speaking (COMM 110)
  • US History to1877 (HIST 130)

Grants Initiatives

Online Education Initiative (OEI)---

Common Assessment Initiative (CAI)---

Educational Planning Initiative---

Adult Education---subscribe to the newsletter for AB 86 information---


ASCCC Spring Session

2014-15 Executive Committee


      Term ending
President David Morse Long Beach City 2015
Vice President Julie Bruno Sierra 2015
Secretary John Stanskas San Bernardino Valley 2015
Treasurer Wheeler North San Diego Miramar 2015
Area A James Todd Modesto 2015*
Area B Dolores Davison Foothill 2016
Area C John Freitas Los Angeles City 2016
Area D Cynthia Rico San Diego Mesa 2015
North Kale Braden Cosumnes River 2016
North Philip Crawford San Jose City 2015*
South Michelle Grimes-Hillman Mt San Antonio 2016
South Craig Rutan Santiago Canyon 2015*
At-Large Debbie Klein Gavilan 2016
At-Large Dan Crump American River 2015
Explanations of *
Area A Kim Harrell resigned in December 2013 and the position was vacant until this election.  James Todd was elected to serve the rest of the term.
North Phil Smith resigned during the elections, so a special election was declared.  Phil Crawford was elected to serve the rest of the term.
South John Freitas was serving the first year of a two-year term as one of the South Reps.  He was elected to be Area C rep, which created a vacancy in his existing term as South rep.  Craig Rutan was elected in a special election to serve the rest of the term.




We had a meeting via conference call on April 14.

Annual Data Survey---we are working with CCL (OK, they are doing 99% of the work) to have data available for all years and all colleges.

The Student Engagement Survey was also discussed.  Please read the following information from LeBaron Woodyard in the Chancellor’s Office.  The time for the webinar mentioned in the email has passed, but you can access in the CCC Confer archives (  Also, contact LeBaron ( or 916/445-1780) if you are interested in having your college participate in the Survey.

Date:                     April 7, 2014 

To:                          Library and Learning Resources Deans, Directors and Managers


From:                    LeBaron Woodyard, Dean, Academic Affairs Division


Subject:               Informational Webinar and Invitation to Participate in the 2014 Spring Term California Community College (CCC) Student Library and Technology Engagement Survey


Synopsis:  This email announces the informational webinar and a college invitation to participate in the implementation of the CCC Student Library and Technology Engagement Survey this 2014 Spring Term.  The email provides a brief history, overview and rationale for the survey.


The issue of student engagement and interaction with the college library is an important variable in the success of students in the educational process.  Amid significant change in how students access content in the age of information and technology, the college library is at the epicenter of the learning institution.


In an effort to determine the level of engagement of today’s student with the college library, in February 2011, the Council of Chief Librarians (CCL) commissioned the development and implementation of the Student Library and Technology Engagement Survey Pilot Project.  The pilot project involved five colleges and was designed to gather information and test various data collection methods regarding the attitudes of students about college libraries.


The results of the pilot demonstrate the kind of information that can be gathered and how colleges may utilize such information when developing plans for creating an environment of student success. The survey looked at the relationship of students to technology. How do they use it, adopt it, show ownership of it and display skills for it? The survey also looked at the student’s relationship to the library.  What are their perceptions, uses, and receptivity to the library?


In January 2012, the findings and recommendations of the pilot study along with data collected from the CCC Library and Learning Resources Annual Data Survey were summarized and presented to the Board of Governors in a comprehensive report.  The link to that report is located at the following URL:[FINAL1].pdf.


Based on the vote of the Board of Governors to accept the recommendation to gather this information from all colleges, the Chancellor’s Office, through its Library and Learning Resources Advisory Committee, and in collaboration with the Council of Chief Librarians, is distributing the Student Library and Technology Engagement Survey to students in the System. The survey consists of 28 open-ended and multiple-choice questions.


Because California Community College libraries are managing significant change in the information age, they need to know how to respond with appropriate services.

An informational interview will be conducted on Monday, April 21, 2014 from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM to review and explain the method of distribution and the roles and responsibilities of the college and Chancellor’s Office.