Executive Director"s Report from Consultation Council -- Gregg Atkins

How does the CCC System wrap its arms around issues and develop solutions?  One major arena is Consultation Council -- chaired by the Chancellor, and made up of representatives from every major group in the CCC family of constituents (CEOs, Trustees, all faculty groups, CIOs, the League, etc., etc.).  The CIOs act on behalf of the library community.

At the March meeting, two Major Issues suddenly made incredible progress, and a 3rd is of note:

1) A working group (faculty and administrators) presented a proposal on changing the 50% Law to include counselors, LIBRARIANS, tutors.  It would become something like the 55% Law or the 59% Law or some such (no number actually identified).  The proposal was VERY WELL RECEIVED by all groups there.  This looks like it may very well happen!!  Proposal is below and very clearly states that counselors, librarians, etc. are a real part of instruction in the 21st Century institution:


2) The CEOs presented on accreditation:

a) the Feds have given AACJC 6 months (letter came out 3/15) to make substantial changes in culture and operation ... or their authority is revoked!!  CEOs (who are in fact the legal connection to the AACJC, and not the CCCCO) are forming a Task Force to work with AACJC to develop necessary changes.  If changes not made, the Feds will be the ones  accrediting the CCC institutions!!  CEOs vow not to let that happen, and believe AACJC now ready to cooperate and collaborate.

*** Read an article from the Chronicle of Higher Education, March 18, 2016, on the topic of Accreditation for CC’s at: http://goo.gl/0LcIk2

b) almost 100 CEOs have indicated that they want a new accreditation structure which "aligns higher education into a natural framework" -- that means  having the cc's in with the 4 year schools.  CEOs (again, they have the legal authority to act) have formed a 2nd TF to begin to identify other options; they have opened conversations with WASC Senior (which is responding very cautiously) and will also talk to Northwest.  CCCCO understands that it has, at best, an observer's role.  Consultation Council parties were very supportive, but want to be kept VERY informed.

3) DSPS $ formula changes were presented; would take effect in 2019-20.  About 40-50 schools would need to increase local contributions to maintain current level of spending; CCCCO reminded group that DSPS funding is a supplement to aid local budgets so that local colleges are better able to meet Federal mandates.

CCL recognizes the value of Consultation Council, and I will now be attending these meetings regularly as an observer.  With issues like these being discussed, and with a new Chancellor coming on board soon, attendance at Consultation Council by keeps CCL aware of and right in the thick of things.

Gregg T. Atkins, CCL Executive Director