Letter from CCL President Tim Karras
Happy New Year!
I hope everyone had a pleasant and restful festive season. As the New Year begins, the Governor’s 2015-16 budget proposal was released on January 9, 2015. The budget proposal has increased funding for the California Community College system. Details can be found at http://www.ebudget.ca.gov/home.php. We will continue to monitor and advocate for libraries throughout the budget cycle. The next milestone will be the May revise by the Governor. This year Districts were allocated Instructional Equipment and Library Materials funding and the continuation of this funding is paramount in the support of adequate library resources.
I would like to encourage each library to send someone to the upcoming CCL Deans and Directors Meeting on April 9-10, 2015. This is the one time each year we have the opportunity to meet, connect, and confer with one another. We are extremely fortunate to be able to provide funding support for one night of lodging at the Sacramento Sheraton and no registration fees for a representative from each College. I look forward to seeing you in April.
In December, I attended the Telecommunications and Technology Advisory Committee meeting (TTAC). The meeting was devoted to the forthcoming State RFP’s for Online Education, Common Assessment, and Educational Planning. These initiatives have since been awarded to Foothill-DeAnza CCD (Online Ed), Butte-Glenn CCD (Assessment and Ed Planning). More details can be found on the Chancellor’s Office website http://extranet.cccco.edu/Divisions/TechResearchInfoSys/Telecom.aspx
Lastly, in addition to addressing issues that are placed at our door, the CCL Executive Board is diligently making progress on our strategic plan. Much work has been done to accomplish this year’s action steps. Please read the CCL Executive Board meeting minutes for greater detail.
All the best,