Impact Survey Evaluation Resource
The Impact Survey is an online tool developed specifically for libraries that want to survey their community about public access technology services at the library, and how to improve those services to enable better patron outcomes.
The tool creates an “app-like” link to the survey that libraries can place on their public access computer terminals and their websites. Patrons take the survey. The library receives reports and analysis of their community’s responses, and also gets access to communications tools that can help them share the information with community leaders and decision makers.
Understanding a community’s unique technology needs is essential to providing patrons with the technology services they need. The Impact Survey asks patrons about how they use library technology services like computers, the Internet, digital content, training, as well as use in the following areas:
- Civic Engagement
- eGovernment
- Entrepreneurship
- Employment
- eCommerce
- Health & Wellness
- Education
- Social Inclusion
The Impact survey is FREE for libraries to use until July, 2014. Then, a nominal fee will be charged for the use of some features of the program. The fee will only go to support the maintenance and upkeep of the site. To learn more, please visit
Impact Survey is a project of the University of Washington, with generous support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.