Fall Workshop - South
October 18, 2019 - 12:00am
- Venue:
- Doubletree
- Location:
- Ontario Airport
- Description:
What about the new ASCCC OER initiative? What new reference opportunities come with Primo? How can the library's instruction approach be changed and re-shaped with Primo? Oh, and there's a new tool coming for CCC libraries to use for database purchases through the Library Consortium! There's plenty to see and learn at this year's CCL Fall Workshops!
- The new ASCCC OER Initiative (appointments, grants, resources, goals)
- What CCC librarians can do to support the OER Initiative
- James Wiser Tells All: The new Library Consortium online procurement system
- Using Primo for Reference work -- demo and Q&A
- Using Primo in Instruction -- demo and Q&A
- Presentation materials from Walter Butler
- Presentation materials from Lauren McFall
- Presentation materials from Christal Young:
- Primo VE for Instruction Workshop Presentation Recording and Slides: bit.ly/cclprimoinstruction
- Primo VE for Reference Workshop Presentation Recording and Slides: bit.ly/cclprimoreference
Registration is free. Continental breakfast beginning at 8:30am. Lunch buffet included. Parking is free at hotels. (And in the North, Pleasant Hill BART station is across the street from the hotel!)
- Contact:
- Gregg Atkins
- greggatkins@cclccc.org