Coastline -- Note from Cheryl Stewart

I am retiring from Coastline on May 1, 2016.  I should mention that our Academic Senate voted unanimously to prioritize the hiring of a new librarian this semester so that the hiring process can begin right away.  The job announcement should go out sometime in June.  Watch for it!

I  love my job and greatly appreciate the people I work with, but I’ve decided I need more time for my grandchildren, mom, yard, dog, friends, genealogy, art, fitness, cooking, theater, and other stuff.  I’ll probably be available as a consultant or part-time librarian.  Until then, however, my main projects for the coming year are:  prepare to pass the reins to a new librarian; further efforts for OER textbook adoptions; and develop a coordinated effort for college librarians serving incarcerated students (IS).

Speaking of incarcerated students, I have created a Google Doc folder titled Incarcerated Student Library Service:, Anyone with the link can read, write, or edit to the folder.  Let’s use this space to share articles, ideas, URLs, etc.  I would like to convene IS serving librarians in the fall.  Perhaps such a meeting could take place before or after the regional workshops?  If your college is serving, or considering serving, IS, go to Google Docs and put your name and contact information in the spreadsheet set up for this purpose.