Electronic Access And Resources (CCL-EAR) Report -- Darryl Swarm
ELECTRONIC ACCESS AND RESOURCES (CCL-EAR) COMMITTEE REPORT Darryl Swarm (Feather River College): Committee Chair
Reviews and Previews: Members of the CCL-EAR Committee have been very busy and productive over the past few months. Hands-on studies of Oxford Art Online and Oxford Music Online were conducted by select members of the CCL-EAR in February 2015. Another CCL-EAR group has finished their review of Salem Press pending final editing suggestions from the committee. Reviews for these databases will be available through the CCL-EAR website (https://cclibrarians.org/consortium/reviews) within a week or so if not sooner. Additionally, a comparative study of three science databases was completed in December, examining important aspects and features of McGraw-Hill’s AccessScience, Infobase Learning’s Today’s Science, and Gale’s Science in Context. Please take a look at this Science Comparison (https://cclibrarians.org/review/science-comparison) review where you can make comments or add your own visitor rating. Several CCL-EAR review teams are working on additional reviews for Spring 2015. These include Oxford English Dictionary (OED Online), LexisNexis Academic, and the ProQuest Interface. The ProQuest review will primarily address recent updates and changes to the ProQuest interface rather than content. If you haven’t seen them yet, other recent studies that have yet to receive many comments are the Ambrose Video (https://cclibrarians.org/review/ambrose-video) review and the Sharpe Online Reference (https://cclibrarians.org/review/sharpe-online-reference-preview preview. Your comments on these studies or feedback from your experience with these products can be very helpful others that are performing collection development activities, so please take a look through our prior and current reviews (cclibrarians.org/consortium/reviews) to help out our wonderful community of librarians with your perspective. Please send suggestions for any electronic databases you would like the CCL-EAR Committee to consider to Darryl Swarm (dswarm@frc.edu) or to your regional representative (CCL-EAR Committee Roster) https://cclibrarians.org/committees/electronic-access-and-resources-committee#members. MedCom Trainex Nursing is on our radar as a potential upcoming product review. This database con
ELECTRONIC ACCESS AND RESOURCES (CCL-EAR) COMMITTEE REPORT Darryl Swarm (Feather River College): Committee Chair
Reviews and Previews: Members of the CCL-EAR Committee have been very busy and productive over the past few months. Hands-on studies of Oxford Art Online and Oxford Music Online were conducted by select members of the CCL-EAR in February 2015. Another CCL-EAR group has finished their review of Salem Press pending final editing suggestions from the committee. Reviews for these databases will be available through the CCL-EAR website (http://cclibrarians.org/consortium/reviews) within a week or so if not sooner. Additionally, a comparative study of three science databases was completed in December, examining important aspects and features of McGraw-Hill’s AccessScience, Infobase Learning’s Today’s Science, and Gale’s Science in Context. Please take a look at this Science Comparison (http://cclibrarians.org/review/science-comparison) review where you can make comments or add your own visitor rating. Several CCL-EAR review teams are working on additional reviews for Spring 2015. These include Oxford English Dictionary (OED Online), LexisNexis Academic, and the ProQuest Interface. The ProQuest review will primarily address recent updates and changes to the ProQuest interface rather than content. If you haven’t seen them yet, other recent studies that have yet to receive many comments are the Ambrose Video (https://cclibrarians.org/review/ambrose-video) review and the Sharpe Online Reference (https://cclibrarians.org/review/sharpe-online-reference-preview preview. Your comments on these studies or feedback from your experience with these products can be very helpful others that are performing collection development activities, so please take a look through our prior and current reviews (http://cclibrarians.org/consortium/reviews) to help out our wonderful community of librarians with your perspective. Please send suggestions for any electronic databases you would like the CCL-EAR Committee to consider to Darryl Swarm (dswarm@frc.edu) or to your regional representative (CCL-EAR Committee Roster) http://cclibrarians.org/committees/electronic-access-and-resources-committee#members. MedCom Trainex Nursing is on our radar as a potential upcoming product review. This database contains streaming video content for nursing, including many aspects of nursing education and practice.
E-book Deselection Project: Prior to our February telephone/web conference meeting, the e-book deselection group provided the CCL-EAR Committee with a refined list of books that met the deselection criteria (potentially harmful for patron use, etc.). During the meeting, committee members engaged in an in-depth discussion with the e-book deselection group to work out final details in the process. The CCL-EAR Committee members were then given an additional week to look over certain aspects of the project and review the hard work of the deselection group before moving the recommendations forward to our California Community College Library community. These recommendations will be coming your way this week after some final details are addressed. The deselection group should be commended for taking on a complex, difficult task while successfully identifying materials could significantly compromise the experience of our patrons.
Organizational Activities: The CCL-EAR committee held virtual telephone/web conference meetings on January 30, 2015 and February 27, 2015. The next CCL-EAR Committee in-person meeting is scheduled to be held April 30 through May 1, 2015 in Oakland, California. If you would like to attend any of our virtual or in-person meetings as a guest, please contact me, Darryl Swarm (dswarm@frc.edu), and I will forward you the details. Please stay tuned for announcements in the next Outlook publication when we will be welcoming some industrious new committee members and bidding farewell to members who have finished their terms and/or going out on sabbatical.
Your Opinions are Valued: As always, we are very interested in your comments on database reviews, many of which include an interactive feature where you can post comments, feedback, and share your experiences with the database. Reviews by the committee are available at http://cclibrarians.org/consortium/reviews. Please send suggestions for any electronic databases you would like the CCL-EAR Committee to consider to Darryl Swarm (dswarm@frc.edu) or to your regional representative (CCL-EAR Committee Roster) http://cclibrarians.org/committees/electronic-access-and-resources-committee#members.
tains streaming video content for nursing, including many aspects of nursing education and practice.
E-book Deselection Project: Prior to our February telephone/web conference meeting, the e-book deselection group provided the CCL-EAR Committee with a refined list of books that met the deselection criteria (potentially harmful for patron use, etc.). During the meeting, committee members engaged in an in-depth discussion with the e-book deselection group to work out final details in the process. The CCL-EAR Committee members were then given an additional week to look over certain aspects of the project and review the hard work of the deselection group before moving the recommendations forward to our California Community College Library community. These recommendations will be coming your way this week after some final details are addressed. The deselection group should be commended for taking on a complex, difficult task while successfully identifying materials could significantly compromise the experience of our patrons.
Organizational Activities: The CCL-EAR committee held virtual telephone/web conference meetings on January 30, 2015 and February 27, 2015. The next CCL-EAR Committee in-person meeting is scheduled to be held April 30 through May 1, 2015 in Oakland, California. If you would like to attend any of our virtual or in-person meetings as a guest, please contact me, Darryl Swarm (dswarm@frc.edu), and I will forward you the details. Please stay tuned for announcements in the next Outlook publication when we will be welcoming some industrious new committee members and bidding farewell to members who have finished their terms and/or going out on sabbatical.
Your Opinions are Valued: As always, we are very interested in your comments on database reviews, many of which include an interactive feature where you can post comments, feedback, and share your experiences with the database. Reviews by the committee are available at https://cclibrarians.org/consortium/reviews. Please send suggestions for any electronic databases you would like the CCL-EAR Committee to consider to Darryl Swarm (dswarm@frc.edu) or to your regional representative (CCL-EAR Committee Roster) http://cclibrarians.org/committees/electronic-access-and-resources-committee#members.