Discovery Tools Comparison Review

Comparison Review by CCL-EAR Committee Over the course of Fall 2015 and Spring 2016, members of the CCL-EAR Committee were asked to write a comparison review of commonly used library discovery tools. Those tools were:

  • Ebsco Discovery Service (EDS)
  • Encore Synergy
  • Primo
  • Summon
  • Worldcat Local and Discovery

Download the full-text of our review evaluation for more detail.

Content Providers

If you have any experience with this product, please leave a comment and rate its appropriateness for use in a community college environment.

† The offers and trials information are password protected. Actual prices are confidential between the vendor and the consortium.

For access contact Amy Beadle, Library Consortium Director, 916.800.2175.


Upon review of this document regarding your recent discovery platform review & comparison, I noticed some inaccuracies and missing information about Primo and I want to ensure that the most up-to-date information is available. So, at the suggestion of the CCL-EAR Chair, I am sharing some documentation on the new Primo User Interface and things we do in discovery. This should help to clarify the value that Primo delivers. Feel free to share these links with your colleagues…it would be unfortunate for any of the 113 campuses to have misconceptions about Primo.

Hyperlinks from our Ex Libris Initiatives Blog (cut & paste into your browser):

Ex Libris Discovery Approach:

New Primo UI:

Please don't hesitate to contact me at 312-952-3578 or with any questions you may have.

Thank you,


@Mike Hommel - Any chance you can summarize the missing and inaccurate info in the review? I clicked on the links, but if you could connect the dots that would be helpful.

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