Recent Meetings & Discussions (Realtime & Virtual)

OCLC and Library Journal hosted “Implementing Change: Realizing the Results of Collaborating In The Cloud.”

Joseph Janes discussed the challenges libraries face today and what the future holds. Then three librarians shared how their libraries have benefitted from cloud-based integration. A Video of the Webcast held Nov. 13, 2013 can be found at


ALA and eBooks

A wrap up of ALA’s Virtual Town Hall on Ebooks held on October 23 was posted to the American Libraries blog roll at The wrap up includes links to view the archived town hall and download the PowerPoint presentation.


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The Information Today Blog contributions at by Don Hawkins are informative and serve to remind one of how broad and interesting this conference can be.

The New Library Patron, at Internet Librarian, Lee Rainie, Director of the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project, discussed the new research about library patrons and non-patrons: who they are, what their information needs are, what kind of technology they use, and how libraries can meet the varying needs of their patrons. View a video of this speech and review the slides.

Bloggers at Internet Librarian: provides a list of the usual suspects who blog with their own perspective. Among them you can find Sarah Houghton and Roy Tennant