CJCLS/EBSCO CC Learning Resources & Library Achievement Awards
Two excellent opportunities for community college libraries to shine in the national spotlight!
Do you know a library program/librarian to nominate?
These two annual awards recognize significant achievement in the areas of programs and leadership.
Nominees for the program award should demonstrate significant achievement in development of a unique and innovative learning.
Nominees for the leadership award should demonstrate significant services, or leadership in professional organizations that are associated with the mission of community, junior, or technical colleges.
Individuals or groups from two-year institutions, as well as the two-year institutions themselves, are eligible to receive awards. Nominations will be kept on file for three consecutive years.
Each Award: $500 and plaque sponsored by EBSCO Information Services
Nominations due December 6, 2013.
See details in the Awards & Scholarships section of the ACRL Web site: http://www.ala.org/acrl/awards/achievementawards/learningresourcesaward