Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC)
The ASCCC held its Fall Plenary Session from November 7 to 9 at the Irvine Marriott. Among those in attendance was a good number of library faculty---Kev in Bontenbal (Cuesta), Marie Boyd (Chaffey), Scott Lee (Antelope Valley), Evelyn Lord (Laney), Debra Moore (Cerritos), Kenley Neufeld (San Barbara ), Karen Saginor (San Francisco), and Cheryl Stewart (Coastline)---my apologies if my tired brain forgot someone! On Thursday and Friday, we attended breakouts on a variety of topics (for a list of presentations, go to /Events/Plenary Sessions).
On Saturday, delegates to the Session voted on resolutions, which guide the work of the ASCCC. Of especially interest was one about the proposed changes to the ACCJC accreditation standards and the placement of information about libraries and learning support services. The Council of Chief Librarians took the lead in developing this resolution, which was presented by Kenley and me for consideration by the ASCCC delegates. The resolution was overwhelmingly approved by the body.
Contact: Kenley Neufeld, Santa Barbara City College
Whereas, As of November 7, 2013, the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) has drafted new Standards to replace the 2002 Standards without incorporating proposals given to the Commission from the Council of Chief Librarians, a group that represents librarians in the California community colleges, to strengthen the coordination of student learning among librarians, learning support staff, and discipline faculty;
Whereas, The current Substandard II.C.2 entitled “Library and Learning Support Services” contains elements that have provided for constructive assessment of libraries and systematically improved them;
Whereas, The ACCJC draft Standards weaken, to the detriment of student learning, the criteria used in the 2002 Standards in regard to information competency and access to library materials and services regardless of location or means of delivery; and
Whereas, The ACCJC draft Standards eliminate all reference to institutions “providing personnel responsible for student learning programs” and eliminate the current Substandard II.C.2 entitled “Library and Learning Support Services” and place the standards now in that section under Standard IIB (Student Services);
Resolved, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges advocate for the concerns of library faculty and for reconsideration of the draft Standards by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) at the January 2014 meeting of the ACCJC; and
Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges advocate for the retention of the “Library and Learning Support Services” as a separate Substandard in the proposed new ACCJC Standards.