Library Services Platform Environmental Scan Survey and Pilot College Applications Due February 2, 2018
The LSP contact person at each CCC has been sent an Environmental Scan Survey and the application to become a Pilot College for the LSP project.
The Environmental Scan will help the project team establish a baseline for current system-wide practices, platforms used, and features desired in an LSP Platform. The scan is an opportunity for individual colleges to provide meaningful feedback that will directly influence how the RFP is drafted and scored. All colleges should complete this survey.
The pilot colleges will play a key role in the development of the RFP, the recommendation of a vendor/product for board approval, and initial implementation of the system at their own colleges. Pilot colleges will be selected based on a variety of factors designed to create a working group that is as representative as possible of all 114 of our libraries .
Both online forms must be completed no later than 5:00 pm PST on February 2, 2018.