Deans and Directors Meeting

March 8, 2018 - 12:00am to March 9, 2018 - 12:00am
Embassy Suites Riverfront Promenade
Sacramento, California

The Council of Chief Librarians, CCC presents the 2018 CCL Annual Deans & Directors Meeting. This annual conference brings together the leaders of the California Community Colleges libraries -- the deans, directors, head librarians, coordinators, and department chairs -- for a full agenda of presentations and sessions to explore issues important to the CCC libraries and librarians. The complete agenda is available complete agenda is available here. CCL invites each CCC library manager (dean, director, coordinator, head librarian, dept. chair, etc.) to attend -- and CCL covers the cost of an individual hotel room and most meals for that one person from each college. Transportation costs are to be covered by each college or district.
Contact Gregg Atkins with registration questions.

Presentation Slides and Materials
Thursday, March 8
Friday, March 9
Gregg Atkins