California Community College Libraries and Guided Pathways: A Collaborative Workshop

April 18, 2018 - 12:00am
Embassy Suites
Walnut Creek

Spend an active day with your colleagues sharing, collaborating, and imagining the library’s role in Guided Pathways.

Together we will:

  • Share ideas about how libraries are participating in planning for Guided Pathways
  • Discuss models of library services at existing Guided Pathways colleges
  • Strategize on ways to ensure an active role for libraries in curriculum development and support in the Guided Pathways framework

This workshop is hands-on, so participants will come prepared to:

  • Discuss the current state of Guided Pathways at their college
  • Identify a Guided Pathways-related project or activity at their library
  • Contribute to a shared “Talking Points/White Paper” that outlines rationale for CCC Library involvement in Guided Pathways

Facilitators: Michelle Morton, Aloha Sargent, Elizabeth Bowman 

Breakfast at 8:30am

Program 9:00am to 3:00pm


Event Materials: Reflections and Action Planning from April 2018 Collaborative Workshops (Google Doc, PDF), including workshop agenda, slides and survey results.

Will Breitbach
(530) 242-7555