Outlook Digest

Outlook no. 2
Outlook v.27 no. 3
Outlook, v. 27 no. 4
Outlook, v. 28 no. 1 CCL has been busy these past months, devoting substantial energy to two statewide projects: the RFP and selection of a database vendor to provide a set of core databases for all California community colleges similar to what EBSCO provided over the past five years, and the creation of an RFP for a statewide purchase of a library services platform.
Outlook, v. 24 no. 3 The festive season is upon us and we have a lot to be thankful for. Uppermost is that we are an active, passionate, supportive community striving to best serve the multifaceted needs our students. For me an early gift was the restoration of Instructional Equipment and Library Materials funding; which provides critical support for the information resource needs of students.