ALA Midwinter: Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education

ALA Midwinter 2015:  The proposed new Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education

will be discussed at the  ACRL Board meeting on Saturday afternoon, January 31, from 4-5 pm at the Sheraton Chicago, Ontario Room.  The Board meeting is open to all.

There is an open microphone session immediately following the Framework conversation on Saturday afternoon from 5-5:30 p.m. and interested individuals are invited to take advantage of this opportunity to share thoughts with the Board.

The ACRL Board meets a second time at the ALA Midwinter Meeting on Monday afternoon, February 2, at the Sheraton Chicago, Sheraton Ballroom 1. There is time on the Board agenda for the Framework at 3:15–4:00 p.m.

There are four proposals attached to the completed Framework. These proposals recommend(on page 3-4)

1)    That the ACRL Board approve the Framework…

2)    That the Board sunset the Information Literacy Competency Standards… in July 2016

3)     That the Board charge a new Task Force with managing the transition from Standards to Framework

4)    Encourage ACRL’s discipline sections to use the Framework to