Activities are ramping up on the Library Services Platform (LSP) project.

First, a big thank you to the nearly 75% of colleges that responded to the Environmental Scan survey. This information provides valuable information for the task force and for the vendors who will respond to the RFP.  
The task force met yesterday and today to select pilot colleges. We are notifying colleges and verifying their intent to participate before we announce those colleges publicly. 
We are launching a crowdsourcing activity to provide feedback on ideas for an LSP. We’ll be using a tool called Ideascale over the next two and a half weeks. A full description of this, plus directions for registering to use the tool, will follow this message immediately.  
The task force will meet virtually on February 12th to review our goals, timelines, working agreements, and responsibilities.  
On February 13 (3-4pm) and February 14 (10-11 am) LSP Task Force Update webinars will be held. These webinars will give you an opportunity to learn more about the LSP project and to ask questions of task force members. Look for an FAQ web page launch during this week, too. 
Ideascale will run through February 23rd, and the task force, including pilot college members, will continue to draft the RFP. The task force will convene for a face-to-face work day on February 26th, and the RFP will be released on March 2nd. 
On March 8-9, Deans, Directors, and other heads of libraries will meet in Sacramento for our annual meeting. We have a chunk of time set aside to think together about what a state-wide LSP might mean for our library community and to continue our conversation about how to best realize this potential. 
Vendor responses are due March 30th, and vendor demonstrations are scheduled for the week of April 9th.  
This timeline points us to making a recommendation to the Butte-Glenn Community College Board (under whose authority the CCC Tech Center operates) in May, and we’re shooting to begin implementation of the new system with the pilot colleges in Fall 2018.